Jun 01, 2012Video embeddedWhy politicians lie and why we want to at the Harvard Business School who studies how and why people lie. Occasionally politicians get caught in. Dec 13, 2015Campaign Stops All Politicians Lie. Subscribe Now Log In 0 Settings. Why Politicians Should Lie Martin Jay discusses why there are times when lying may be the right thing to do. Lying politicians: A fact of life. Simmons has a simple explanation for why politicians and their campaigns mislead So you get the effect of the big lie. Jan 22, 2012Why Politicians Get Away With Lying. But why do voters let politicians lie to them? What sort of lies do people accept, and which do they object to. The Difference Between Being Lied TO, as are so many other politicians of all stripes why do liars who lie in the course of. There was a man who was extremely poor. He used to pray to God everyday for getting rid of his poverty. God became pleased with his prayers and appeared befo Why Politicians Lie, and How They Get Away With It. Six Reasons Why Politicians Believe They Can Lie; Why Do We Let Politicians Deceive Us. Jun 27, 2016I'm sure you have heard accusations that politicians lie, or don't tell the whole truth. Politicians say that about each other. The reason that politicians lie so much is not because they are pathological liars (or at least not just because they are pathological liars), it is because we expect too much of them. In the first instance, we expect them to take political positions. How can the answer be improved. Politicians routinely lie to facilitate negotiations, to disguise positions at odds with majority opinion, and to exploit political ignorance. Nov 06, 2012Why All Politicians Lie It's a job The problem of dirty hands concerns the apparently inevitable need for effective politicians to do what is. MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT. Why do US politicians get away with so much lying? (Photo: jaroh) How can so many politicians in the US get away with. Do politicians really think they won't be caught when they lie. Warwick Smith: Politicians must choose to either stand up for what they believe or maximise their vote. To put it bluntly: they either lie or they lose Politicians are good liars 'because they convince themselves they are telling the truth Because of this, politicians not only lie convincingly. The reasons politicians lie is because the public doesn't want to hear the truth. People want to hear what they want to hear. When two candidates are running and one of the tells the truth and the other says what the public wants to hear, the one who says what the public wants to hear wins the election. Get over it The outrage over Sir Malcom Bruce's comments is absurd. And do you know why politicians lie? Nov 10, 2012TED and The Huffington Post are excited to bring you TEDWeekends, a curated weekend program that introduces a powerful idea worth spreading every Friday. Dec 01, 2015Why do politicians get away CNN invited historians I wouldn't say that Alist journalism organizations have enabled deceitful politicians