Jan 29, 2013Best Answer: Well first off it sure is NOT Sari Sari stores! ha ha San Miguel beer is one example propane gas is another Apr 13, 2007Best Answer: The petroleum and the telecommunications markets, the automobile industry, and the bank system are some examples. already An example is a term used to describe something relative to History of the Philippines; Industries and. Define oligopsony: a market situation in which each of a few buyers exerts a disproportionate influence on the market There are several examples of real life oligopsony markets which are currently active today. One major example of a worldwide oligopsony market is the market for cocoa. Oligopsony is similar to an oligopoly (few sellers), this is a market in which there are only a few large buyers for a product or service. This allows the buyers to exert a great deal of control over the sellers and can effectively drive down prices. Oligopoly is the middle ground between monopoly and capitalism. There are many oligopoly examples in todays society. Definition of monopsony: A term used to describe a market where a very large buyer typically dominates the price action. In a monopsony, Show More Examples. Examples of monopsony in labour markets. Coal mine owner in town where coal mining is the primary source of employment. Government in employment of civil servants. Video embeddedWhat are some current examples of oligopolies? National mass media and news outlets are a prime example of an oligopoly, Oligopsony. Sep 15, 2007Examples of pure competition in philippines? Monopsony is market with a single buyer. Oligopsony is market with a few buyers. Oligopsony definition, the market condition that exists when there are few buyers, as a result of which they can greatly influence price and other market factors. Mar 10, 2012What are the best examples of monopsony firms in the Philippines? What are examples of cheapness of people from Philippines. Definition of oligopsony in English: oligopsony. A state of the market in which only a small number of buyers exists for a product. Example sentences Can you improve the answer. How can the answer be improved. Mar 24, results for oligopsony examples. Setting aside the problem of imperfections (monopsony or oligopsony, wage legislation. Oligopsony is the buyingside equivalent of a sellingside oligopoly. Much as a oligopoly is a market dominated by a few large sellers, If, for example. In microeconomics an oligopsony is a market form where there are few buyers. There may be many sellers, but because there are few buyers, the decision each buyer. Paul Krugman argued in 2014 New York Times OpEd that Amazon. com is a modernday example of a monopsony, (1995). Measuring Oligopsony Power with Shadow Prices. An oligopoly is formed when a few companies dominate a market. Whether by noncompetitive practices, government mandate or technological savvy, these companies take. Oligopsony is similar to an oligopoly (few sellers), this is a market in which there are only a few large buyers for a product or service. This allows the buyers to exert a great deal of control over the sellers and can effectively drive down prices. An oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists).