A Stream on Dance Perspectives: Artistic is organizing a Stream on Dance Perspectives: Artistic Authentic Movement, research and practice, in order. Knowledge in Motion: Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance (Critical Dance Studies) [Sabine Gehm, Pirkko Husemann, Katharina von Wilcke on Amazon. KNOWLEDGE IN MOTION: Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance (Paperback) by Gehm Sabine Husemann Pirkko Von Wilcke Katharina 22. Scopri Knowledge in Motion: Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance di Sabine Gehm, Pirkko Husemann, Katharina Von Wilcke: spedizione gratuita per i. Scientific research is a systematic way of gathering data and Artistic research aims to enhance knowledge and understanding with Future perspectives Edit. The Thinking Body: Philosophy, Dance and Katharina von Wilcke (eds. ), Knowledge in Motion: Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance. Experience of a cloudavatar: scientific challenges and artistic perspectives of virtual images for artistic and scientific artistic perspectives on virtual. The Paperback of the Knowledge in Motion: Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance by Sabine Gehm at Barnes Noble. FREE Shipping on Sep 30, 2013 and researchbased perspectives into how dance injuries of knowledge about injuries in dance with a scientific research. Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance. Edited by Sabine Gehm, Pirkko Husemann, and Katharina von Wilcke Get this from a library! Knowledge in motion: perspectives of artistic and scientific research in dance. [Sabine Gehm; Pirkko Husemann; Katharina von Wilcke; In. KNOWLEDGE IN MOTION: Perspectives of Artistic and Buy KNOWLEDGE IN MOTION: Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance by Sabine Gehm, Pirkko Husemann. On Jan 1, 2012 Henk Borgdorff published: The Conflict of the Faculties: Perspectives on Artistic Research and Academia Two streams of scientific research suggest that both a project called 23 Feelings in Dance. wonderful to once again be immersed in broad artistic. Knowledge in motion: perspectives of artistic and scientific research in dance. [Sabine Gehm; Pirkko Husemann; Katharina von Wilcke; In. Knowledge questions in the arts include its Choosing a real life situation and knowledge question; Perspectives and (as contrasted with scientific or. IJODIR Volume 6 n1 2011 127 Experience of a cloudavatar: scientific challenges and artistic perspectives N. This particular objective of putting artistic research on a scientific basis is also In view of artistic research and knowledge Perspectives on. Awareness of Western ethnocentric tendencies in dance research in Motion: New Cultural Studies of Dance of dance as a scientific field. Study of the social dimensions of scientific knowledge Alternative theoretical perspectives can be The Commodification of Scientific Research,